About Ed

The basics: I am Ed McGonigal. I live near Savannah, GA. I am married with two children. I work in IT, although I prefer to think of myself as a data miner. 

So what makes me qualified to talk about investing? On paper, not a thing. All I have to offer is my life experience. I have worked in many businesses over the years, including insurance, financing, and manufacturing. In that time, I gained a unique perspective on how businesses work.

For example, while working in finance, I had to learn how to read financial statements. For investing purposes, this is one of the most useful things I learned, and I highly recommend it for any investor.

In addition, I am blessed to have a father who has a lifetime of investing experience from which I can draw.

However, the ultimate test for any investor is success. I have had successes, and failures. Overall, I am not wealthy, so that proves I am not there yet.

But my purpose here is NOT to dispense advice. While I will, I am also hoping to learn from my readers. Feel free to criticize me. It is through our collective knowledge that I hope we will all become better investors.

Posted July 23, 2010 by edmcgon